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Today's Forecast - 100% Chance of Family

Today’s Forecast – 100% Chance of Family

Today was just like any other day in small town Kentucky.  My husband and I struggled to force ourselves out of bed and into work mode.  This seemingly endless Kentucky rain has taken its toll on everyone’s mentality.  One gloomy rainy day after another has become all too familiar.  I never realized how much our souls need sunshine until being denied so many days without it.  Trying to stay motivated throughout the cloudy day is as much of a challenge as simply staying awake.  The thought of my couch and endless episodes of my favorite show on Netflix have my workday moving ever so slow.  The windshield wipers on my car hypnotize me as I am driving home.  An array of chores face me as I walk in the door and that’s when the hardest tasks begin.  I don’t feel like making dinner and besides, what would I even cook?  I haven’t been to the grocery store in weeks.  Normally I wouldn’t hesitate to take the dogs outside for a quick stroll, but the thought of muddy footprints on the couch aren’t appealing to me, nor is the cleanup.  Just as I am throwing a never-ending pile of bath towels into the washer, the electricity goes out due to high winds and another impending storm.  “Great!” I yell.  My sarcastic side is rearing its ugly head at this point.  This is just perfect.  My cell phone has five percent of battery left.  I would charge it on my laptop, but that too, is dead.  Should I sit in my car and charge my phone?  I wonder, how can I be this desperate?  Netflix is no longer waiting for me either.  I decided that I would succumb to the boredom and pull out our old game of Monopoly.  Some of the cards are missing and the money is bent and torn, but we could make do, couldn’t we?  I pulled out one of my many unused candles and lit it.  These candles have been neglected.  Who has time for candlelit dinner these days? I spread the monopoly board open and deal out money to each family member.  Fifteen minutes in and we are in a competition more important than the NBA finals.  I look down at my watch and two hours have gone by.  We decided to bring everything out of the pantry and make a “buffet” of chips, cake, popcorn, and almonds.  It is quite possibly the best dinner that I have ever had in my adult years.  I am talking to my family more than I have in weeks.  I am thinking of hiding everyone’s cell phones from this point forward.  As soon as daylight breaks in the morning, I am going to purchase a new Monopoly game.  I think that the grocery store can wait a few more weeks. I wonder if Yankee Candle has any candles on sale today.  What was that show that I was watching on Netflix?  I can’t remember.  

Kristen Hamilton


  1. YES.
    Technology has brought us marvels but it has a price. Sometimes a very high price.


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