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My son has a hero.....

My son has a hero...
His name is John Calipari, coach of the University of Kentucky Wildcats, a team that my son watches faithfully.  A team that is the root of Jake's hours of basketball time in our driveway every single night and a team that has given Jake a dream.  It all started a few weeks ago when I saw a posting on Facebook that Coach Cal would be doing a book signing in the next town about an hour and a half away.  I obviously started planning right at that exact second.  Jake, my son, has been feverishly planning what he was going to say to Coach Cal, but last night didn't seem very promising at first.  When we arrived at the book signing, Coach Cal had made an announcement that he was tired and that it had been a long few weeks.  He informed the audience that this would go extremely fast, about three seconds per person, long enough for the camera girl to flash a picture.  You were to step a few feet behind him and smile for your once in a lifetime photo with you and this amazing nationally known coach.  After being there for about 2 and a half hours, it was finally almost our turn.  I looked at my poor son's face as we edged up in line and he caught a glimpse of how fast his moment would go.  He looked up at me with those huge green eyes and sadly informed me that he understood that he wouldn't be able to talk to his idol, the man that he has admired for so so long.  I have never been one to sugar coat anything for my children, so I looked at him, firm and honest and agreed with him, but explained that he would at least get a picture.  Fast forward, it's our turn, his moment has arrived.  As the camera lady reaches for my camera, I explain to her that I won't be in the picture.  No...this night is for my son.  She complies and Coach Cal gives me a hopeful grin.  As Jake takes his spot a few feet behind the coach, the magical words happened.  Three magical words that would turn my son's world upside down!  "Come 'ere kid"  That's it...that's all it took...he reached his arm around my son and there it was....the moment that Jake had been waiting for :) Thank you to John Calipari for making my son feel that he truly mattered last night.  Out of four hundred people, I only saw him put his arm around one person, and that was my little boy. 


  1. What a wonderful story! How awesome is that, that the coach wanted to put his arms around Jake!! I can imagine how important this was to him! Such a great picture! And what an amazing way of describing the whole experience. You truly are an amazing writer. And a wonderful mom - I love how you didn't sugar coat things for him, yet you are so extremely supportive and loving :) Love this story! I'm smiling with both of you right now :) :)

  2. Jake will remember this moment for the rest of his life! How awesome that he was the one person out of 400 that coach Cal put his arm around. I wonder if coach Cal knows that Jake will be playing for him someday? :)

  3. One of life's special moments. So glad it happened for Jake.

  4. It must be a pain in the butt sometimes for a celebrity because so many people use them and their time.. Hounding for autographs and pictures and then turning them into their own cash. I am guessing there was just something genuine about your son that caught JC's eye and made him want to make the picture just a little more special. Love it!!

  5. What a lovely story!! My hat is off to the coach!

  6. I'm not too familiar with him (not much of a basketball fan), but it's rather neat to see him look up to a coach rather than one of the players.

  7. How wonderful. And, I am tired and overwrought, but smiling through sentimental tears. A hero indeed if he can make a small boy feel special.

  8. Oh, this is special! How wonderful that the coach did this for your son. Very cool.

  9. Oh this is so very touching, one of those rare moments, where someone takes the time to share a special bond, wow, you son must be so happy.....and goes without saying but so is his mom

  10. One moment in time your son will remember for all of his life. Lovely story.

  11. What an awesome thing to do! And your son got a unique photo as no one else got to stand that close.

  12. How cool your son got to be the lucky one, he will treasure the moment and he has proof :) Have a lovely weekend ahead!

  13. Kudos to that coach for making your son feel special (of course he IS special!). This is a memory Jake will forever savor! Dream big, Jake. You can do it.

    Big hugs, honey...

  14. That is a great story. Glad your son has this great memory.

  15. Sweet. I like Coach Calipari. I used to watch him coach when he was at UMass back in the day. How sweet that he took the few extra seconds with your son. But more importantly, I like that your son knew his big chance with coach Cal, might be short and was good with that. Awesome.

  16. What a wonderful story! So happy for your son to have his hero act heroic! It must have been such a thrill for him and for you to witness as a proud Mom. xo Karen

  17. Very touching.....happy for your son ;0

  18. Such a special moment for your son. I'm sure he will cherish meeting Coach Cal for many years.

  19. Such a beautiful, heart-warming story...I am so happy for your son...must have really made his day! :)

  20. What a heartwarming story and one Jake will remember forever.
    So happy that your Son got to enjoy this moment.

    Happy weekend

  21. One out of 400 is very SPECIAL. I'm so glad for your son. Money can't buy that kind of affirmation. It wasn't much but considering the circumstances it was a lot.
    This is something that he will remember for the rest of his life.


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