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And the Trophy Goes To.....

    And the Trophy Goes To.....

 Do you ever wonder why you never hear the term "working father" used in everyday life, yet, "working mother" or "stay at home mother" is a term that rolls off of the lips all too easy?  That's because the term doesn't exist in our culture.  We, as a society, put the emphasis of parenting on the mother.  Are fathers just not getting the credit that they deserve?  We are, without realizing it, discriminating against fathers every single day.  We just do not seem to give them credit for all that they do for our children, and let's be honest, all that they do for us as mothers. They teach our sons how to be respectful, responsible, and hardworking and they teach our daughters that they should always BE respected.  What about the father that works all day outside of the home and then comes home and helps the mother with the cooking and the dishes?  We praise our fellow mothers for working, whether that be in the home or outside of the home, but when was the last time that we praised our fellow fathers for doing the exact same thing?  Fathers put their families first without thinking of themselves or looking for recognition. Fathers teach us that the strongest hands can be the gentlest.  Fathers are a gift that come to us in so many different forms.  Stepfathers are angels on Earth that will take up for us no matter the consequence.  They love us unconditionally even though they don't have to do so.  Grandfathers spoil us with anything our hearts dream of and they are the picture of strength.  Grandfathers are our superheroes.  Uncles never tell on us.  They feed us candy and soda when mom and dad aren't looking and they keep every single secret that we share with them safe. I am sure that if you think back over the span of your life, you have had a multitude of father figures looking out for you and teaching you about bravery, strength, life lessons, and unconditional love.  These men have made us feel safe, which is something that we cannot put a price on in this uncertain world.  For every working father, stay at home father, stepfather, grandfather, uncle, brother, and friend...we say Happy Father's Day to you.  You never ask to be given credit for all that you do, which is exactly why you should receive it every single day.  

Kristen Hamilton


  1. I really wish that we didn't assign ANY labels based on gender. What mother doesn't work - at home and/or outside it.
    And a role model whatever their gender needs to be celebrated, applauded and loved.

    1. While reading an interpersonal communications book tonight, my eyes were opened to some of these phrases such as “working mom”. We never stop and think about these labels and how they leave other parents out of the picture. We ALL are working parents.


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