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The Cost of a Speeding Ticket

The Cost of a Speeding Ticket

     Your life is moving as fast as a Corvette.  When you look out of the window on your journey, all you can see are blurs of beautiful colors but you can't make out what the objects are.  You are under the impression that if you stop the vehicle to take in the scenery, you will inevitably be late to your destination.  What exactly is your destination?  Where are you going in such a hurry?  Maybe it's the dishes.  Those dishes will not shatter if they are left in the sink.  Spend that extra time listening to your children ramble on about nothing at all.  Talk to your family about the upcoming day and make plans for your evening.  The dishes do not care about you.  Are you rushing around to make the bed?  Spend the extra five minutes cuddled up to your husband in that messy pile of sheets and blankets.  He wants nothing more than for you to just relax.  That unmade bed does not care about you, but you are your husband's entire world.  Is the laundry piling up?  Spend a few minutes trying on all of those clothes and learn to admire yourself.  That laundry doesn't care about you, but you should learn to love yourself in that laundry.  Do you need to sweep the floor before you head out for the day?  Spend that extra ten minutes admiring your son's gorgeous, muddy footprints all over the kitchen because all too soon, they won't be there anymore.  That floor does not care about you, but to your son, you are a woman who's love knows no bounds.  Do you need to clean the bathroom sink that is caked with hairspray and makeup before you head to work?  Sit on the edge of the bathtub and watch your daughter get ready for school.  Spend that extra ten minutes telling her how unbelievably beautiful she is.  She needs to hear it and she needs to know that you mean it. Look at her reflection in that dirty mirror and smile because you know that she is everything that's good in this world.  That sink doesn't care about you, but your daughter needs you now more than ever before.  Your family is the only important thing that is waiting for you.  If you are going to drive fast in this life to get to any destination, risk the speeding ticket on your family. 

Kristen Hamilton



  1. I am much moved by this post. As a parent of sons and daughter who've long since scattered into the world from this old farm house --to their own stories, their own lives, triumphs and sadnesses, their own renewals and strengths-- I consider your counsel here among the best and wisest I've ever encountered. Brava,

    1. I am extremely flattered by your words. To be honest, I cry during every single blog that I write. I truly feel them. I am so so happy that you are enjoying.

  2. This is truly delightful. Age (and laziness?) means that I often choose to take the back roads and rarely travel the highways. And I regret it not. Not one iota.

    1. I love it!!!!!! I am happy that you are able to slow down and just enjoy this life and the people around here. We could all learn a lesson from this.

  3. Well said!! As a mother of grown children and grandchildren, I know you need the patience and energy of youth to raise children, but I wish you had the mindset you come to with age. I now could care less about "cleaning". If there is something else I'd rather do like spending time with friends and family, go for a walk, read a book (I can usually find something else to do but clean!) that's what I do. Even though there are household chores that need attended to, it is no longer a priority. I wish I had that mindset when my kids were growing up! How much more time I would have had with them instead of my broom!!


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