My son has a hero... His name is John Calipari, coach of the University of Kentucky Wildcats, a team that my son watches faithfully. A team that is the root of Jake's hours of basketball time in our driveway every single night and a team that has given Jake a dream. It all started a few weeks ago when I saw a posting on Facebook that Coach Cal would be doing a book signing in the next town about an hour and a half away. I obviously started planning right at that exact second. Jake, my son, has been feverishly planning what he was going to say to Coach Cal, but last night didn't seem very promising at first. When we arrived at the book signing, Coach Cal had made an announcement that he was tired and that it had been a long few weeks. He informed the audience that this would go extremely fast, about three seconds per person, long enough for the camera girl to flash a picture. You were to step a few feet behind him and sm...