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Showing posts from June, 2020

All Hearts are Red

. I wonder what it would be like this year if nothing had happened…… Would we still be stuck in the same rut? Letting racism and white privilege rule our subconscious? Not spending any time with our family because we are so caught up in a rat race and consumed with stress that we aren’t able to breathe? That did not happen…not this year.   Our careers were abruptly interrupted. And this year we have faced some harsh realities. We have had to learn what it means to slow down. We have had to adapt in order to spend time with our families and just be still. We have isolated ourselves for the greater good. I have faced the fact that I am privileged. I was born into privilege not because I chose to be but because that is the path that was undeniably, unfairly paved for me.  If you find yourself without your beloved career, you are not alone. Millions of Americans are in this with you. If you are black and you feel left behind because you are seeing dozens o...