How to Unpack Your Suitcase I have had many traveling adventures in my life despite my fear of airplanes and trains. Most of my adventures have taken the shape of long rides in the car or the obligatory cruise to the Caribbean. I have consistently traveled with an obscene amount of luggage that the average person could live out of for six to seven months. I have been afflicted with this pitfall of never having enough and never being satiated for as long as I can remember. The amount of time, however, that it takes me to pack this said suitcase compares not to the number of years that it has taken me to unpack that rectangle of possessions, memories, souvenirs, and adventure. The snag, if you will, started when I was only eighteen. I thought that I knew exactly what I needed out of life, and more importantly, what I wanted. I jumped into a relationship with a magnificent young Italian man straight off the high school graduation floor. We rented our ...