Be a Better Quitter When we were young, we incessantly heard four words from our parents, teachers, grandparents, and respected elders. Those four words were beaten into us with an invisible belt, or a phantom paddle. Do you remember those four words? Of course, you do. Those threatening words are, “don’t be a quitter”. Words that have the power to shame you in an instant. One phrase that will abruptly halt a pocket-sized thought of giving up. I am wondering, though, in my adult life, why aren’t we quitting more often? Now, I am not suggesting that a student quit a sport team or implying that you quit a job simply because you don’t “like” it. I am a believer in an individual finishing what they have started. I am talking about more important matters that affect us in such big proportions that we can’t afford to ignore them any longer. Maybe we should talk about painful things that are far too often kept a secret from others as a form of self-preservation. How many of ...